Lanzamientos del Partnership
Los administradores, benefactores y la comunidad de socios de LAUSD colaboran para crear una nueva organización sin fondos de lucro 501(c)3 a fin de a
El Partnership se inició en el 2007 como una colaboración entre LAUSD, nuestros benefactores de financiamiento Richard y Melanie Lundquist,ex alcalde de la ciudad de Los Ángeles Antonio Villaraigosa y otros socios privados y públicos. Hoy en día, nuestra historia continúa mientras luchamos por acelerar el rendimiento de los estudiantes en nuestras escuelas, en todo LAUSD y más allá.
Lanzamientos del Partnership
Los administradores, benefactores y la comunidad de socios de LAUSD colaboran para crear una nueva organización sin fondos de lucro 501(c)3 a fin de a
El regalo de Lundquist se anuncia
Melanie y Richard Lundquist anuncian un regalo de financiamiento de $50 millones durante 10 años para asegurar la sostenibilidad del Partnership.
El Partnership comienza a administrar es
Partnership se pone en marcha con 10 escuelas en la red.
Mendez se une a el Partnership
La escuela Mendez High, un campus recién construido en Boyle Heights, se une a el Partnership para el año escolar 2009-10.
Tres escuelas más se unen
Dolores Huerta Elementary y Carver Middle School en el sur de LA, y Florence Griffith Joyner Elementary en Watts, se unen a el Partnership.
Jordan se une a el Partnership
Jordan High School en Watts se une a el Partnership.
Se renueva el Memorándum de Entendimient
El Memorándum de Entendimiento (MOU, por sus siglas en inglés) con LAUSD se renueva, afirmando el progreso en las escuelas del Partnership.
Joan Sulllivan es nombrada Directora Eje
Joan Sullivan, anterior Alcalde Adjunta de Educación de L.A. y socia fundadora del Bronx Academy of Letters, sucede a Marshall Tuck como Directora Eje
Se llega al acuerdo de Reed
Reed v. California se resuelve, proporcionando ayudas adicionales a 36 escuelas de LAUSD de gran necesidad, incluyendo seis escuelas del Partnership.
El Partnership le da la bienvenida a 107
107th Street Elementary en Watts se une a el Partnership.
Se llega al acuerdo de Cruz
La Mesa Directiva de Educación de Calif. llega a un acuerdo en Cruz v. California, proporcionando muchas horas de instrucción adicionales a miles de e
La red de Partnership se expande de nuev
Las escuelas primarias de 20th Street y Grape Street en el sur de L.A. y Watts se unen a el Partnership.
10º Aniversario del Partnership
El Partnership alberga ”Believe With Me”, una gala para celebrar el 10º año del Partnership.
SENI 2.0 es aprobada
La Mesa Directiva de LAUSD aprobó una resolución para identificar de forma más exacta las escuelas del distrito con mayor necesidad y financiarlas.
Financiamiento equitativo para las escue
La Mesa Directiva de LAUSD realinea más de $280 a escuelas basada en las clasificaciones de SENI en 2019-20; no desembolsando fondos igualmente o por
Forty-Ninth Street joins the Partnership
Forty-Ninth Street Elementary School in South LA joins the Partnership.
The Equity Alliance celebrates a victory
LA Unified Board Votes to Distribute $700MM to High-Need Schools Using the Student Equity Needs Index.
Weigand Avenue joins the Partnership
Weigand Avenue Elementary School in Watts joins the Partnership.
Nuestra misión es transformar las escuelas y revolucionar los sistemas escolares para empoderar a todos los estudiantes con una educación de alta calidad. Hemos acelerado el rendimiento de los estudiantes a la vez que los logros aumentan en toda nuestra red y más allá. De cara al futuro, hemos fijado los siguientes objetivos ambiciosos para guiarnos hacia el 2020:
El Partnership cuenta con un equipo con una formación profesional muy variada, motivados por nuestra misión y trabajan como defensores de la equidad. El equipo de la oficina principal del Partnership incluye a educadores, activistas, analistas de políticas, organizadores comunitarios y otros expertos. Nuestros directores de escuelas también son miembros importantes de nuestro equipo. Nuestra experiencia combinada nos permite hacer uso de las mejores prácticas de todo el sector educativo y más allá para servir a nuestros estudiantes, las familias y las comunidades.
El Partnership ha mantenido históricamente, y se compromete a continuar manteniendo, una política de diversidad en nuestra Junta de Directores. Debido a que servimos a comunidades diversas, el éxito de nuestros programas e iniciativas requiere una competencia cultural y la implicación con varias partes interesadas de esas comunidades. Nuestra mesa directiva cuenta con profesionales, filántropos y padres y maestros interesados que se encuentran en nuestras escuelas y que están activamente involucrados en nuestras principales iniciativas. Creemos que poder hacer uso de la experiencia de los diversos miembros de la junta es la única forma para llevar a cabo nuestro trabajo de forma efectiva.
107th Street Elementary & STEAM Magnet
147 107th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90003
Home of the Eagles, 107th Street Elementary school is located in South LA and is led by Principal Aleta Williams. 107th Street has a Magnet school focusing on Math, Science, and Technology, and feeds into Gompers Middle School. 107th Street provides a personalized learning environment, including tiered instruction and interventions that address the individual, social, emotional, and academic needs of students.
107th Street Elementary & STEAM Magnet
147 107th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90003
Home of the Eagles, 107th Street Elementary school is located in South LA and is led by Principal Aleta Williams. 107th Street has a Magnet school focusing on Math, Science, and Technology, and feeds into Gompers Middle School. 107th Street provides a personalized learning environment, including tiered instruction and interventions that address the individual, social, emotional, and academic needs of students.
20th Street Elementary School
1353 East 20th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90011
Home of the Dolphins, 20th Street Elementary is led by Principal Michael Messina and the school is located in the heart of the South LA community. The school has approximately 655 students and is an extended transitional kindergarten through 5th grade school. It is one of the newest Partnership schools, having joined the network before the 2016-17 school year. 20th Street believes that the social emotional wellness of all students is vital to their learning and academic success. Students are surrounded by a community of professionals dedicated to their well-being. It also is implementing strong family engagement programs and mobilizing community partners to support the students. 20th Street is leading the way in literacy and building strong foundational skills in reading and mathematics.
20th Street Elementary School
1353 East 20th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90011
Home of the Dolphins, 20th Street Elementary is led by Principal Michael Messina and the school is located in the heart of the South LA community. The school has approximately 655 students and is an extended transitional kindergarten through 5th grade school. It is one of the newest Partnership schools, having joined the network before the 2016-17 school year. 20th Street believes that the social emotional wellness of all students is vital to their learning and academic success. Students are surrounded by a community of professionals dedicated to their well-being. It also is implementing strong family engagement programs and mobilizing community partners to support the students. 20th Street is leading the way in literacy and building strong foundational skills in reading and mathematics.
49th Street Elementary School
750 E 49th Street
Los Angeles, California 90011
Forty-Ninth Street Elementary School is located in South LA and is led by Principal Jordan Henry. It is the home of the Tigers and feeds directly into George Washington Carver Middle School - a Partnership school. It serves 700 students, Pre K through 5th grades, with approximately 93% Latino students and 7% African American. The staff is comprised of hard-working, dedicated individuals whose mission is to create college graduates and life-long learners.
49th Street Elementary School
750 E 49th Street
Los Angeles, California 90011
Forty-Ninth Street Elementary School is located in South LA and is led by Principal Jordan Henry. It is the home of the Tigers and feeds directly into George Washington Carver Middle School - a Partnership school. It serves 700 students, Pre K through 5th grades, with approximately 93% Latino students and 7% African American. The staff is comprised of hard-working, dedicated individuals whose mission is to create college graduates and life-long learners.
99th Street Elementary School
9900 S. Wadsworth Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90002
Home of the Eagles, 99th Street Elementary school is located in Watts and is led by Principal Marissa Borden. The school, which opened in 1925, has developed strong partnerships with the community and enjoys active parent involvement. 99th Street strives to provide an outstanding K-5th grade learning environment for its population of approximately 609 students. Student achievement continues to improve at the school each year, evidenced by an 11% increase this past year in students meeting or exceeding standards on the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) test in English Language Arts and an 8% increase for students meeting and exceeding the standards in mathematics. 99th Street School is also committed to providing differentiated experiences for students as well as incorporating blending learning activities into daily instruction.
99th Street Elementary School
9900 S. Wadsworth Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90002
Home of the Eagles, 99th Street Elementary school is located in Watts and is led by Principal Marissa Borden. The school, which opened in 1925, has developed strong partnerships with the community and enjoys active parent involvement. 99th Street strives to provide an outstanding K-5th grade learning environment for its population of approximately 609 students. Student achievement continues to improve at the school each year, evidenced by an 11% increase this past year in students meeting or exceeding standards on the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) test in English Language Arts and an 8% increase for students meeting and exceeding the standards in mathematics. 99th Street School is also committed to providing differentiated experiences for students as well as incorporating blending learning activities into daily instruction.
George Washington Carver Middle School
4410 McKinley Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90011
Home of the Cougars, George Washington Carver Middle School is located in South Los Angeles and is led by Principal Estela Lopez. The school, named after noted African American scientist George Washington Carver, works collaboratively with Partnership staff to offer professional development opportunities to school staff, and it offers programs such as band, jiu jitsu, and gardening.
George Washington Carver Middle School
4410 McKinley Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90011
Home of the Cougars, George Washington Carver Middle School is located in South Los Angeles and is led by Principal Estela Lopez. The school, named after noted African American scientist George Washington Carver, works collaboratively with Partnership staff to offer professional development opportunities to school staff, and it offers programs such as band, jiu jitsu, and gardening.
Dolores Huerta Elementary School
260 E. 31st Street
Los Angeles , CA 90011
Home of the Bears, Dolores Huerta Elementary School is located in South Los Angeles and is led by Principal Sandra Sandoval. The school is named after Dolores Huerta, a Mexican-American labor and civil rights leader. The campus opened in 2010, and the contemporary design includes a library, multi-purpose room, food service facilities and lunch shelter, underground parking and play fields. Dolores Huerta has a very welcoming environment and all stakeholders are dedicated to developing scholars, leaders and proactive citizens. Huerta is most known for its innovative instruction that focuses on developing students who lead the learning through all forms of communication.
Dolores Huerta Elementary School
260 E. 31st Street
Los Angeles , CA 90011
Home of the Bears, Dolores Huerta Elementary School is located in South Los Angeles and is led by Principal Sandra Sandoval. The school is named after Dolores Huerta, a Mexican-American labor and civil rights leader. The campus opened in 2010, and the contemporary design includes a library, multi-purpose room, food service facilities and lunch shelter, underground parking and play fields. Dolores Huerta has a very welcoming environment and all stakeholders are dedicated to developing scholars, leaders and proactive citizens. Huerta is most known for its innovative instruction that focuses on developing students who lead the learning through all forms of communication.
Figueroa Street Elementary School
510 West 111th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90059
Figueroa Street Elementary School, led by Principal Shawn Peyatt, is located in Watts. Figueroa, home of the Dolphins, is a Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM) school. Figueroa’s instructional endeavors have shifted towards ensuring our students have access to rigorous instruction by designating a STEAM wing on its campus where students will have opportunities to receive hands-on instruction in these areas. We are committed to preparing our students for the demands of the Common Core State Standards in middle school.
Figueroa Street Elementary School
510 West 111th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90059
Figueroa Street Elementary School, led by Principal Shawn Peyatt, is located in Watts. Figueroa, home of the Dolphins, is a Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (STEAM) school. Figueroa’s instructional endeavors have shifted towards ensuring our students have access to rigorous instruction by designating a STEAM wing on its campus where students will have opportunities to receive hands-on instruction in these areas. We are committed to preparing our students for the demands of the Common Core State Standards in middle school.
Grape Street Elementary School
1940 E. 111th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90059
Home of the Eagles, Grape Street Elementary School is located in Watts and is led by Principal Patricia Thompson. Grape Street provides instruction for approximately 610 TK-5th grade students and is a feeder to Markham Middle School. Grape Street is one of the newest Partnership schools, having joined the network in the summer of 2016. The Partnership is excited to bring additional resources and supports that will add to the collective strengths of the faculty and leadership team. The school is working together with the Partnership to provide a safe learning environment that will help develop well rounded critical thinkers and focuses on every student’s academic success.
Grape Street Elementary School
1940 E. 111th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90059
Home of the Eagles, Grape Street Elementary School is located in Watts and is led by Principal Patricia Thompson. Grape Street provides instruction for approximately 610 TK-5th grade students and is a feeder to Markham Middle School. Grape Street is one of the newest Partnership schools, having joined the network in the summer of 2016. The Partnership is excited to bring additional resources and supports that will add to the collective strengths of the faculty and leadership team. The school is working together with the Partnership to provide a safe learning environment that will help develop well rounded critical thinkers and focuses on every student’s academic success.
Florence Griffith Joyner Elementary School
1963 E. 103rd St
Los Angeles, CA 90002
Home of the C.H.A.M.P.S. (College Headed And Mighty Proud Students), Florence Griffith Joyner Elementary is located in Watts and is led by Principal Daniel Carrillo. The school is named after Olympic runner Florence Griffith Joyner, and feeds into Markham Middle School. Griffith Joyner has three small learning communities, allowing for specialized instruction to better meet the educational needs of its student body, and it received a Turnaround Arts Grant from the Obama White House.
Florence Griffith Joyner Elementary School
1963 E. 103rd St
Los Angeles, CA 90002
Home of the C.H.A.M.P.S. (College Headed And Mighty Proud Students), Florence Griffith Joyner Elementary is located in Watts and is led by Principal Daniel Carrillo. The school is named after Olympic runner Florence Griffith Joyner, and feeds into Markham Middle School. Griffith Joyner has three small learning communities, allowing for specialized instruction to better meet the educational needs of its student body, and it received a Turnaround Arts Grant from the Obama White House.
Hollenbeck Middle School
2510 E. Sixth Street
Los Angeles, CA 90023
Home of the Junior Rough Riders, Hollenbeck Middle School is led by Principal Mario Garcielita and is located in Boyle Heights. Hollenbeck has a Science, Technology, Math, and Medicine Magnet and offers a linked learning program, with students working in interdisciplinary teams to explore computer science concepts including programming and robotics. Hollenbeck has been serving the Boyle Heights community since 1914, and combines engaging instructional activities and events to create a stimulating learning environment. Hollenbeck Middle School feeds into the Boyle Heights "Zone of Choice," which includes Roosevelt High School.
Hollenbeck Middle School
2510 E. Sixth Street
Los Angeles, CA 90023
Home of the Junior Rough Riders, Hollenbeck Middle School is led by Principal Mario Garcielita and is located in Boyle Heights. Hollenbeck has a Science, Technology, Math, and Medicine Magnet and offers a linked learning program, with students working in interdisciplinary teams to explore computer science concepts including programming and robotics. Hollenbeck has been serving the Boyle Heights community since 1914, and combines engaging instructional activities and events to create a stimulating learning environment. Hollenbeck Middle School feeds into the Boyle Heights "Zone of Choice," which includes Roosevelt High School.
Jordan High School
2265 E 103rd St
Los Angeles, CA 90002
Home of the Bulldogs, Jordan High School is located in Watts and is led by Principal Alex Kim. Jordan is the only high school in Watts that offers an interdisciplinary College Preparatory Program which includes: Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) classes, an Art Academy, an award-winning athletics program for girls and boys, as well as a Special Needs Program that meets the complex demands of its exceptional learners. Jordan has exclusive partnerships with City Year, College Track, College Summit, USC Trio, EduCare, Geffen Playhouse, and the Watts Health Center in order to provide students with an array of individualized enrichment programs designed to support scholars on their path to colleges and universities. Jordan is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) through 2022, and is proud to serve the entire community and all learners!
Jordan High School
2265 E 103rd St
Los Angeles, CA 90002
Home of the Bulldogs, Jordan High School is located in Watts and is led by Principal Alex Kim. Jordan is the only high school in Watts that offers an interdisciplinary College Preparatory Program which includes: Honors and Advanced Placement (AP) classes, an Art Academy, an award-winning athletics program for girls and boys, as well as a Special Needs Program that meets the complex demands of its exceptional learners. Jordan has exclusive partnerships with City Year, College Track, College Summit, USC Trio, EduCare, Geffen Playhouse, and the Watts Health Center in order to provide students with an array of individualized enrichment programs designed to support scholars on their path to colleges and universities. Jordan is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) through 2022, and is proud to serve the entire community and all learners!
Edwin Markham Middle School
1650 East 104th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90002
Home of the Eagles, Edwin Markham Middle School is located in Watts and is led by Principal Yumi Kawasaki. Edwin Markham Middle School also has a Magnet focusing on Health Careers that 120 students attend. The school is named after poet Edwin Markham and feeds into Jordan High School and Locke High School. Enrichment and after-school activities include soccer, volleyball (girls and boys teams), computer classes, dance, and yearbook publication. The Boys & Girls Club, City Year Intervention Program, Mouse Squad, MESA, and Students Run LA are among some of the many additional programs offered on campus.
Edwin Markham Middle School
1650 East 104th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90002
Home of the Eagles, Edwin Markham Middle School is located in Watts and is led by Principal Yumi Kawasaki. Edwin Markham Middle School also has a Magnet focusing on Health Careers that 120 students attend. The school is named after poet Edwin Markham and feeds into Jordan High School and Locke High School. Enrichment and after-school activities include soccer, volleyball (girls and boys teams), computer classes, dance, and yearbook publication. The Boys & Girls Club, City Year Intervention Program, Mouse Squad, MESA, and Students Run LA are among some of the many additional programs offered on campus.
Math, Science & Technology Magnet Academy at Roosevelt
456 S. Mathews Street
Los Angeles, CA 90033
The Math, Science, and Technology Magnet Academy (MSTMA) is located in the heart of Boyle Heights on the iconic Roosevelt High School campus and is led by Principal Patricia Hanson. MSTMA has received several state and national recognitions, most recently the California Gold Ribbon and the Title I Academic Achievement Award.
Math, Science & Technology Magnet Academy at Roosevelt
456 S. Mathews Street
Los Angeles, CA 90033
The Math, Science, and Technology Magnet Academy (MSTMA) is located in the heart of Boyle Heights on the iconic Roosevelt High School campus and is led by Principal Patricia Hanson. MSTMA has received several state and national recognitions, most recently the California Gold Ribbon and the Title I Academic Achievement Award.
Felicitas and Gonzalo Mendez High School
1200 Plaza Del Sol
Los Angeles, CA 90033
Led by Principal Cesar Quezada, Felicitas & Gonzalo Mendez High School is located in the heart of Boyle Heights just blocks from Mariachi Plaza. Mendez is a Community School that serves approximately 700 9th-12th graders and prides itself on the breadth of opportunities offered to students. As a Community School, Mendez is designed to serve the whole student, including meeting their academic, physical, and social-emotional needs. This is done through collaborative leadership on the part of the principal, Local School Leadership Council, and active engagement of families, students, and staff. As part of its high academic expectations for students, the school has made a commitment to Advanced Placement course access for all students. In 2023-24, Mendez won an AP School Honor Roll recognition as well as the AP Access Award from College Board. Beyond academics, there are numerous sports, art programs, and clubs, which ensure that every Mendez student can find a place to flourish. The vast majority of students report feeling safe and happy on campus, which is a testament to the relationship-oriented approach of the Mendez staff. Further, there are a host of community organizations that partner with the school. The campus is home to the new Sylvia Mendez Wellness Center, which is accessible to students as well as to the broader community.
Felicitas and Gonzalo Mendez High School
1200 Plaza Del Sol
Los Angeles, CA 90033
Led by Principal Cesar Quezada, Felicitas & Gonzalo Mendez High School is located in the heart of Boyle Heights just blocks from Mariachi Plaza. Mendez is a Community School that serves approximately 700 9th-12th graders and prides itself on the breadth of opportunities offered to students. As a Community School, Mendez is designed to serve the whole student, including meeting their academic, physical, and social-emotional needs. This is done through collaborative leadership on the part of the principal, Local School Leadership Council, and active engagement of families, students, and staff. As part of its high academic expectations for students, the school has made a commitment to Advanced Placement course access for all students. In 2023-24, Mendez won an AP School Honor Roll recognition as well as the AP Access Award from College Board. Beyond academics, there are numerous sports, art programs, and clubs, which ensure that every Mendez student can find a place to flourish. The vast majority of students report feeling safe and happy on campus, which is a testament to the relationship-oriented approach of the Mendez staff. Further, there are a host of community organizations that partner with the school. The campus is home to the new Sylvia Mendez Wellness Center, which is accessible to students as well as to the broader community.
Ritter Elementary School
11108 Watts Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90059
Home of the Bears, Ritter Elementary School is located in Watts and led by Principal Liz Daisy Morales. The school’s goal is to create a college bound culture. Ritter’s vision is to develop 21st Century learners, who can collaborate, communicate and think critically to ultimately achieve all future goals. The school has an energetic and enthusiastic staff who focus on collaboration to improve student achievement. Ritter Elementary has a strong parent voice that works to support the school’s vision and mission. Programs provided recently include LA Kings Hockey Clinic, Coffee with the Principal, monthly student motivational assemblies, kite flying with the Japanese American Society, and experiences off campus such as camping at Camp Ubuntu.
Ritter Elementary School
11108 Watts Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90059
Home of the Bears, Ritter Elementary School is located in Watts and led by Principal Liz Daisy Morales. The school’s goal is to create a college bound culture. Ritter’s vision is to develop 21st Century learners, who can collaborate, communicate and think critically to ultimately achieve all future goals. The school has an energetic and enthusiastic staff who focus on collaboration to improve student achievement. Ritter Elementary has a strong parent voice that works to support the school’s vision and mission. Programs provided recently include LA Kings Hockey Clinic, Coffee with the Principal, monthly student motivational assemblies, kite flying with the Japanese American Society, and experiences off campus such as camping at Camp Ubuntu.
Theodore Roosevelt High School
2530 East 4th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90033
Roosevelt High School, the Home of the Mighty Rough Riders, is led by Principal Ben Gertner and is located in Boyle Heights. Roosevelt is proud of its tradition of excellence since 1923. It is committed to student achievement in all areas: academics, athletics, and extracurricular activities, and is a community school that believes in serving the whole student and family.
Theodore Roosevelt High School
2530 East 4th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90033
Roosevelt High School, the Home of the Mighty Rough Riders, is led by Principal Ben Gertner and is located in Boyle Heights. Roosevelt is proud of its tradition of excellence since 1923. It is committed to student achievement in all areas: academics, athletics, and extracurricular activities, and is a community school that believes in serving the whole student and family.
Santee Education Complex (HS)
1921 S. Maple Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90011
Home of the Falcons, Santee Education Complex is located in South Los Angeles and is led by Principal Violeta Ruiz. Santee opened in 2005 on the site of a former dairy facility south of Downtown Los Angeles to create a high-performing school for the area’s 9th through 12th grade students. Santee's strong academic program includes the GATE School for Advanced Studies, AVID support classes, City Year, and a wide array of Advanced Placement classes. Santee also provides strong athletic teams, a swimming pool, fashion program, film, networking, drama, and culinary arts instruction.
Santee Education Complex (HS)
1921 S. Maple Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90011
Home of the Falcons, Santee Education Complex is located in South Los Angeles and is led by Principal Violeta Ruiz. Santee opened in 2005 on the site of a former dairy facility south of Downtown Los Angeles to create a high-performing school for the area’s 9th through 12th grade students. Santee's strong academic program includes the GATE School for Advanced Studies, AVID support classes, City Year, and a wide array of Advanced Placement classes. Santee also provides strong athletic teams, a swimming pool, fashion program, film, networking, drama, and culinary arts instruction.
Stevenson College and Career Preparatory
725 S. Indiana Street
Los Angeles, CA 90023
Stevenson College and Career Preparatory, home of the Pirates, is located in the Boyle Heights/East LA area and is led by Principal Dr. Jose L. Morales. The school is named after the famous author Robert Louis Stevenson and has been in existence for over 90 years. The school includes two magnets focusing on Leadership and Technology and Gifted and High Achieving students. The school actively engages parents and has been the Partnership Parent Engagement School of the Year for the last seven years. Students have access to electives that include Spanish, Forensics, Coding, Graphic Arts, Journalism/Yearbook and Music. The student sports teams have won numerous Citywide sports titles and the school hosts motivational speakers including famous alumni and former Major League Pitcher, Ricky Romero.
Stevenson College and Career Preparatory
725 S. Indiana Street
Los Angeles, CA 90023
Stevenson College and Career Preparatory, home of the Pirates, is located in the Boyle Heights/East LA area and is led by Principal Dr. Jose L. Morales. The school is named after the famous author Robert Louis Stevenson and has been in existence for over 90 years. The school includes two magnets focusing on Leadership and Technology and Gifted and High Achieving students. The school actively engages parents and has been the Partnership Parent Engagement School of the Year for the last seven years. Students have access to electives that include Spanish, Forensics, Coding, Graphic Arts, Journalism/Yearbook and Music. The student sports teams have won numerous Citywide sports titles and the school hosts motivational speakers including famous alumni and former Major League Pitcher, Ricky Romero.
Sunrise Elementary School
2821 East 7th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90023
Home of the Sabertooth Cat, Sunrise Elementary School is located in Boyle Heights and is led by Principal Luis Barraza. Sunrise feeds into both Hollenbeck and Stevenson Middle Schools. It has an experienced administration and teaching staff and active parent group committed to providing a nurturing learning environment.
Sunrise Elementary School
2821 East 7th Street
Los Angeles, CA 90023
Home of the Sabertooth Cat, Sunrise Elementary School is located in Boyle Heights and is led by Principal Luis Barraza. Sunrise feeds into both Hollenbeck and Stevenson Middle Schools. It has an experienced administration and teaching staff and active parent group committed to providing a nurturing learning environment.
Weigand Avenue Elementary STEAM Academy
10401 Weigand Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90002
Home of the Tigers, Weigand Avenue Elementary STEAM Academy is located in Watts and is led by Principal Tamara Honegan. More info coming soon.
Weigand Avenue Elementary STEAM Academy
10401 Weigand Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90002
Home of the Tigers, Weigand Avenue Elementary STEAM Academy is located in Watts and is led by Principal Tamara Honegan. More info coming soon.