Our Policy and Systems Change Work

Our experience on-the-ground working with schools uniquely positions us to recognize and identify potential solutions to systemic challenges that adversely impact schools in high-need communities. We advocate for solutions that remove barriers and we advocate for changes that can be scaled across the District and beyond. These solutions enable significant improvements to the broader school system. And because our systems change efforts are the result of what we see in classrooms and across our schools, we are able to monitor policy implementation once change occurs and make improvements that accelerate school-level successes.

Policy, Advocacy, & Research Resources

In this section, we include policy papers, equity alerts, and case studies. Our Policy & Research publications cover diverse education topics and provide recommendations ranging from narrowing the digital divide, to increasing equitable school funding, to ensuring college access for students of color -- and much more. Our policy and advocacy efforts are driven by our commitment to providing an anti-racist and more equitable education for students in some of Los Angeles’ high- and highest-need schools. For more information, or to discuss these tools further, contact us at contact@partnershipla.org. Click on each section below to access our policy briefs.

Policy Briefs

Read our latest policy and advocacy publications

Learn about our policy recommendations and advocacy for more equitable resources and education for some of LA Unified’s high- and highest-need schools.

Equity Alerts

A good source of information

Our Equity Alerts are informative briefs intended to provide policy updates, calls to action, and resources.