Partnership Roundup Newsletter

Teacher PROfile: Restorative Justice Practices Strengthen Relationships at Dolores Huerta Elementary School

Photo: Cooper Haskins (left), 4th Grade Teacher, RCL at Dolores Huerta Elementary School; and Sabrina Sheikh (right), 3rd-5th Special Day Class Teacher, RCL at Dolores Huerta Elementary School. Recently we connected with Cooper Haskins and Sabrina Sheikh, Teachers and Restorative Communities Leads (RCL) at Dolores Huerta Elementary School, about deepening relationships with their peers. Here’s...

By Partnership Communications Team

Teacher PROfile: How Roosevelt’s Instructional Leadership Team Gets Things Done

Roosevelt’s ILT includes members from the following departments: English, Math, Science, Language, Culture and Restorative Justice, College and Attendance, and School Deans, Assistant Principals, and Principal. Pictured are a majority of the ILT members. Top row from L to R: Angelica Flores, Ricardo Chavez, Eftihia Danellis, Dina Mayeda, Romina Ramos, Brendan Schallert, Johanna Garcia, John...

By Partnership Communications